Alpine Fox LP创始人兼管理合伙人Mike Alfred发推称,一些迹象表明,华尔街的大型参与者正试图压低比特币,以对Strategy和其他杠杆代理施加压力,这似乎很有效。如果他们能够将比特币价格压低到足够低的程度,将摧毁这些公司用来增加比特币的简单资本市场机制。在这种环境下,以远低于市场价格的方式有机地生成新比特币要比使用债务或股权在公开...
According to Cointelegraph, Fred Thiel, CEO of bitcoin miner MARA Holdings, announced that the company is committed to expanding its strategic bitcoin reserves to all 50 states and the federal government.
On January 22, Fred Thiel, CEO of bitcoin mining company MARA Holdings, announced that the company is committed to expanding its strategic bitcoin reserves to all 50 states and the federal government.
据Cointelegraph报道,比特币矿企MARA Holdings CEO Fred Thiel宣布,公司致力于将战略比特币储备扩展至美国全部50个州及联邦政府层面。
Fred Thiel, CEO of bitcoin miner MARA, confirmed in a post on the X platform that the company has embedded a portrait of President Trump in BTC 879613, and revealed that the portrait of President Trump in block "Trump 47" was generated by AI to celebrate his upcoming election as the first US president to support bitcoin.
Fred Thiel, chief executive of MARA Holdings, a bitcoin mining company, said retail investors were advised to adopt a "buy and hold" strategy, citing the currency's long history of strong price performance. Mr. Thiel said bitcoin had fallen in only three of the past 14 calendar years, which is why retail investors should consider buying and letting its value appreciate.
Wall Street's oldest controversy is back on trend. Shares of US mortgage finance giants Fannie Mae and Freddie Midea surged on the US OTC market after a post by billionaire Bill Ackman sparked optimism that the two companies could leave the federal government's custody under Trump 2.0. Shares in Fannie and Freddie rose as much as 40 per cent, the highest since November. "What is particularly interesting about these two companies today is that there is a credible way to get them out of custody in...
Fred Krueger, a Bitcoin supporter and a mathematics PhD from Stanford University, wrote in an X post: "The advice for the younger generation is to focus all their energy on artificial intelligence and put their savings into bitcoin." MicroStrategy founder Michael Saylor responded: "Good advice".
On November 26th, according to Bubblemaps monitoring, the new token JUSTICE launched by Mark Longo, the owner of Internet celebrity squirrel Peanut and raccoon Fred, is strictly controlled, with 80% controlled by internal groups. Before Mark announced the token, multiple groups of addresses coordinated to bundle the supply. In addition, the first 45 holders of JUSTICE were all funded within a three-hour window between 16:40:20 and 19:39:47 on November 24, 2024. Funds came from protocol or CEX ho...
11月26日消息,据 Bubblemaps 监测,网红松鼠 Peanut 和浣熊 Fred 的主人 Mark Longo 推出的新代币 JUSTICE 受到严格控制,80% 被内部团体控制。Mark 在宣布代币之前,多组地址进行协调以捆绑供应,此外,JUSTICE 的前 45 位持有者均在 2024 年 11 月 24 日 16:40:20 至 19:39:47 之间的三小时窗口内获得资金,资金来自协议或 CEX 热钱包,迹象表明一个人或一小群人控制着这些钱包。